Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Barry Stocker

Ph.D., University of Sussex, UK

Research Interests: 

Kant Sonrası Kıta Avrupası Felsefesi, Politik Felsefe, Etik, Estetik, Felsefe ve Edebiyat, Michel de Montaigne, Giambattista Vico.




Philosophy of the Novel (Palgrave Macmillan, November 2018) (translated into Farsi, Lega Press Tehran, 2022)
Kierkegaard on Politics (Palgrave Macmillan 2014).
Derrida on Deconstruction. Routledge (2006).

Rousseau on Language: Two Perspectives (co-author John Bolender)
He contributes:
’Rousseau and Derrida on Liberty and Language the First Social Institution’ Reply to Bolender’s contribution ‘Emotion in Language’ (Rousseau, etc. Piketon OH, e-book 2014. Online publisher at http://rousseau-etc.com)

Jacques Derrida: Basic Writings for Routledge (with Introduction to book and to each section). (2007).
Post-Analytic Tractatus, Ashgate (2004).


‘Repetition and Circularity in Vico and Joyce’, Odradek: Studies of Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories 5(2) (2019, but published 34.04.2020): 183-218 https://odradek.cfs.unipi.it/index.php/odradek/article/view/137
‘Foucault on Two Types of Neoliberalism: Ordoliberalism and Anarcholiberalism, Along With European Historical Roots’, Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Humanities 5(1) 2018: 187-211. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/479728
‘Adam Smith on the Colonialism and Republicanism of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns’, Adam Smith Review 9 2017: 38-48.
‘Ethical Life in Kierkegaard and Williams’, Cilicia Journal of Philosophy, 2015(3): 68-82.
‘Philosophy of Literary Judgement: Literature as Essential and Peripheral in Hegel’s Philosophy’, Hegel Jahrbuch, 2015: 55-60.
‘Paradoxes of Hobbesian Sovereignty’, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru “Ioan Cuza”, Filosiofie, LIX (2012) https://anale.fssp.uaic.ro/index.php/filosofie/article/view/1
‘Literature and Philosophy of History in Joyce and Vico’, Septet: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 (2008) http://septet.yeditepe.edu.tr/articles/Stocker.pdf ‘Contradiction, Transcendence and Subjectivity in Derrida’s Ethics’ (with Turkish translation), Cogito 47-48 (2006): 334-349. Reproduced in Eurozine 17.10.2006.
‘Nietzsche’s Moral Lessons’, Yeditepe’de Felsefe 5 (2006): 17-37.
‘Negative Infinite Judgement: Is Hegel’s Philosophy a Crime?’, Yeditepe’de Felsefe 4 (2005): 23-44.
‘Etička/Moralna Odluka’ (translation into Bosnian of ‘Ethical/Moral Decision’, Dijalog 1 (2004): 143-161.
‘Politics and Subjective Reflection in Kant’, Yeditepe’de Felsefe 3 (2004): 14-28.
‘Presence and Immediacy in Analysis and Deconstruction’, Yeditepe’de Felsefe 2 (2003): 41-69.
‘Being, Saying and Showing: Heidegger’s Ontology’, Yeditepe’de Felsefe, 1 (2002): 95-114.
‘Aesthetic Illusion: Kant’s Dialectic of Beauty’, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology Vol. 33(1) (2002): 78-91. (AHCI)
‘Wittgenstein’s Paradox of Ordinary Language’, Essays in Philosophy Vol. 1(2) (2000): https://commons.pacificu.edu/eip/vol1/iss2/5/ (15 pages).
‘Pascal and Derrida: Geometry, Origin and Discourse’, Symposium IV (1) (2000): 117-41.
‘Kierkegaard’s Absolute Decision: Dialectic of Ethical Law in Fear and Trembling’, Angelaki, 4(1), Judging the Law (1999): 27-35. (AHCI)
‘Philosophical Secrets: Heidegger, Poetic form and the Uncanny’, Angelaki, 3(1) (1998): 145-52. (AHCI)
‘Liberalism after Nietzsche and Weber’, Angelaki, 2 (2) (1996): 129-40. (AHCI)
‘Crisis in Politics’, Angelaki, 1(1) (1993): 28-42. (AHCI)
‘Return of the Law in Finnegans Wake’, Oxford Literary Review, 14, Frontiers (1992): 45-69. (AHCI)

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